I have been considering the fact that God created us with souls that hunger and thus experience desire. I believe that that singularly deep and unfulfilled desire we experience as humans is designed to cause us to need and thus experience the reality of love, (to know the joy of fulfillment & completion), and so to be able give love.
As God is love, we can then be in a place to somehow realize that deeper need for the love of God Himself in our lives. When He extends His infinitely forgiving, redeeming, unconditional, and life-giving love in a personal way to us, we may at last finally see our desire is indeed for Him and cry out for all that everlasting love He can bring alive in us. Without our longing, without our desire, without our emotional hunger we are like automatons. God has made us in His image. He is a God that desires and wants a destiny for His Creation. He desires that we know Him and His love. He wants us for Himself more than any of us can realize. Read the Song of Solomon. Read of how Isaac ran to meet Rebekkah as she approached him. These are but a few of the biblical pictures of how the Lord God desires each one of us as a Bride, as His love completed. He is calling a great throng of people to know His heart and to love Him. He will teach us a new way of desire, a selfless love that will fill us with His Spirit.
The danger we face as humans is to attempt to fill a natural God-given desire with things that cannot satisfy and sometimes can deeply hurt us. We can hurt others as well. In our search for what we deeply hunger -- we can develop misplaced desire that can gradually consume our lives in painful ways. In our individual search for happiness, fulfillment, joy, peace, love and yes, unknowingly, even God Himself -- we substitute other things that will never bring us to that lasting joy of contentment and peace. Sometimes what we choose to bring a sense of closure to our search is but an endless maze of sorrow, shame, pain, addiction, and sometimes death. We must carefully consider what may be driving our misplaced desire. We must seek the truth and get help if we need such to avoid years of wasted life pursuing an object of misplaced desire.
Below, I offer more ideas by others on this issue of "misplaced desire" . . .
"Our misplaced desires lead to emotional sickness. The Bible says, “hope
deferred makes the heart sick.” To find emotional healing, you must
recover hope. Place your desire in the only thing that will never be
deferred. Above all else, desire God." ~ Angie Wyatt
"The application of misplaced desires eventually becomes a cycle of
addiction where stimulating encounters, relief, and the mad search for
new experiences become ingrained in the recesses of the mind. The
insatiable appetite to acquire, to own, to indulge, to take pleasure, to
consume, is relentless. Rationality and moral self-control are
dominated by the rising lust for power, an insidious power that becomes a
sacred goal, a wholly consuming interest." ~ Michael G. Moriarty
"Augustine’s Confessions is in large measure a record of misplaced
desire. Our hearts well up with idolatrous desire for created things. We
turn to the world of beautiful things instead of turning to the one who
is Beauty itself. “In my unlovely state I plunged into those lovely
created things which you had made.” But even in our corruption and
confusion, God remains the hidden object of our desire. God uses our
misplaced desires to draw us, in spite of ourselves, to God. “You were
with me, and I was not with you.” In our desire for beautiful things, we
are suddenly ambushed by God’s beauty, deep and secret and seductive . .
." ~ Ben Myers
"Every day our desires affect our wants which affects how we act, what
choices we make, and who we decide to be. The friends we choose to be
close with, the job we take, the way we spend our free time — all of
these reflect our desires; yet it’s common to feel unattached to our
desires and have almost no idea what it is we really want. Our struggles
with sin and addictions are rooted in desire. . . . I believe a lot of sins are from misplaced desire.
Does that mean that desire is bad? I think the church in the West would jump to the conclusion yes! Desire gets me into trouble, I need to avoid it at all costs. Yet I would argue that unowned desire is what gets us in trouble. When we don’t understand what our desires our and when we don’t ‘own them’ we are controlled by them.
Take time to look into your sins as well as your wants to find your desires. We cannot repent of our desires, they are God-given and legitimate, but we can repent of seeking to fulfill them in the wrong way. Let God show you what desires He’s placed in you and own them. Don’t be controlled by them. Live your life fueled by desire under control and guided by God’s Word." ~ Evan Olsen
I would add to the above thoughts that we believers mainly need to be guided by the Spirit's voice of love for us. “Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart.” ~ Psalm 37:4
Does that mean that desire is bad? I think the church in the West would jump to the conclusion yes! Desire gets me into trouble, I need to avoid it at all costs. Yet I would argue that unowned desire is what gets us in trouble. When we don’t understand what our desires our and when we don’t ‘own them’ we are controlled by them.
Take time to look into your sins as well as your wants to find your desires. We cannot repent of our desires, they are God-given and legitimate, but we can repent of seeking to fulfill them in the wrong way. Let God show you what desires He’s placed in you and own them. Don’t be controlled by them. Live your life fueled by desire under control and guided by God’s Word." ~ Evan Olsen
I would add to the above thoughts that we believers mainly need to be guided by the Spirit's voice of love for us. “Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart.” ~ Psalm 37:4
Wonderful post! As a Chrisitian mystic, I have had to be careful about learning that there can be a difference between ego and desire. We are told to lay down our life, but this does not mean we are to give up our desires. And when we give up our life for his, we can see what desire is worthy of exploring and which ones only bring emptiness. Thanks for the post.